Month: September 2013

  • A new addition to our family!

    On September 22, 2013 around 2:30 in the afternoon Pete and Heather had their fourth child and first baby girl! She is named Irene (after her great-grandmother) and Lynn (after Doyle’s middle name….her grandpa Meyer, her Paca, as she will grow up calling him). She was 7 lbs. 5 oz, and 19 3/4 ” long. She is beautiful and healthy and already her brothers think she is pretty awesome! Here are some pictures to enjoy!100_7762



  • New Xanga……

    100_7562 100_7579 100_7670 100_7603 100_7629Hmm….So, I will see how I like this.  Change is always hard and I imagine all of us here on Xanga will have some new things to learn.  I am thankful though that Xanga is back and hope everyone learns to navigate this new site.  Enough of that.  What have I been up to these last few weeks?  Maybe it would be easier if I asked, “what haven’t I been up to this past month?”  Well, I will try and recap.

    Preserving…………….tomatoes, roasted tomato sauce, corn, sauerkraut, drying onions, cooking beets (soon to put into the sawdust for safe keeping; zucchini, squash, cucumbers, etc. etc…..jalapenos, peaches….what else?

    Yesterday we brought home two pigs, butchered and packaged.  We split them three ways and started rendering lard.  I finished that today.  It’s one of my new favorite things….a powerhouse of goodness (if the pigs have been raised right, and ours were).  We also tried our hand at making sausage (and can I say awesome??!!) and started the bacon marinading.  It will be smoked next week sometime.  By the end of the evening we were exhausted but we were ALL quite proud of ourselves for learning new, lost skills that used to be normal household chores.  And…lucky to anyone who comes to visit and has some of our wonderful meat!  Or pies made from leaf lard….

    Also the new chickens are settled in.  I have five, and yesterday was a “red letter day” for them, as every “girl” laid an egg….first time all five of them earned their keep!  They are hilarious and funny creatures and they put a smile on my face every day.  Depressed?  Get chickens!  :)

    And for the month of August we worked on the rental and finally got it finished and the new renters are moved in.  We also had a huge barbecue/shower for Pete and Heather and their new baby coming….I say huge, because we had 63 people for the barbecue!  Yep, we did!  And we had a ton of fun (especially the million kiddos running around the acreage!).  And then, we had two of our favorite people, Jim and D’Ann come over Labor Day for a visit.  Such a wonderful refreshing visit!  It had been WAY too long since we’d last seen them!  So………….that about wraps it up.  I’m sure I missed something in there, but that sort of gets you caught up…..

    And….we’re drowning in rain.  The river is bank to bank after being a mere trickle most of the summer.  The land is water logged to say the least….there is no need for any more rain at the moment, but we are supposed to get several more days worth.  (Where is it ALL coming from?)

    We are waiting, waiting, and waiting….for two new grand babies to join our family.  They are not really “due” yet….but girl babies ……who knows what will happen???!!!