Month: February 2014

  • Holidays are over the new year has begun

    Wow, has it really been so long since I’ve posted?  I doubt anyone checks this anymore, but for those who do, and for me I am going to try and re-cap the last couple of months, okay just Christmas for now!  :)

    December with Christmas and the kids and grandkids came and went.  A great time was had by all.  All three of our grown adult kids were here and all seven of our grandchildren, over a two week period.  The grandkids had such a great time playing with each other.  We get a real kick out of watching their relationships develop.  I hope and pray they continue to become closer to each other as time goes on.100_9010 100_9022 100_9068 100_9040 100_8974 100_8973 100_9017 100_9074